Late December, I went on a spiritual journey and was shown a major vision. In that vision, I was warned that troubled times were coming and that many people would die. But that it would ultimately make humanity more peaceful, more cooperative with each other and the natural world, if we learn the lessons and change our ways.
In this vision I had an experience of death and was present as my body decayed, and I was devoured by a worm. I spent what seemed an eternity being digested, before I was expelled back into the soil, where I became part of a seed's developing roots, then burst up from the ground as a mighty tree, then took flight as a murder of crows into the air. Then began the download.
I was given a visceral glimpse of how the cycle of death and rebirth works and what we've been doing wrong. Our society has built an economy on the biproducts of fossil fuels. Not just the fuel in our gas tanks but every scrap of plastic on Earth comes from the petroleum industry. Fossil fuel is the literal decomposing bodies of dead things. It is the natural order for once something is buried by the earth, to decompose and for new life to grow from it. But we dig it up and put it in the air and in the water, choking our skies and our oceans.
Everything in the physical realm has a spiritual equivalent on the astral. We've literally awakened the spirits of death and decay by drilling for oil and digging for coal. These spirits want nothing but to devour the living and drag it down into the underworld. These beings do not have mercy, cannot be rationed with, and are serving their natural function in the cycle of life and death. Everything we kill feeds these monsters with our wars, our poisons, our clear cutting of rain forests, our hatred, and our greed.
The spirits of the liminal, that regulate and guide spirits more gently into Death, balance and hold back the monsters that devour life, to an extent. But because of humanity's own actions we have thrown off the balance in the cycle of life and death. As a result the monsters that devour--disease, pestilence, murder, war, famine, etc (oddly enough similar to the idea of the horsemen of the apocalypse)--have come to drag a significant portion of us into the underworld to be devoured and in many cases to never be reborn.
I was also shown great hope, and unconditional love from Source.
The spirits of life rise from the decay. These deadly monsters of death and decay ultimately serve a function in the natural and spiritual worlds to recycle what no longer serves the universal plan of growth into higher and higher levels of consciousness. Darkness and light are both necessary and work complimentary towards this goal. The Universe needs sentient life in order to understand itself. We humans explore the universe with our senses, we cocreate with our arts and innovations. We are not helpless creatures doomed to extinction. We are important!
But we must help ourselves. We must work together in cooperation. Put away pettiness, overarching greed, and filthy habits that drag up the death and decay to infect, devour, and destroy.
What can you do, as an individual to help humanity survive?
Be kind to those in your immediate vicinity. Help and heal those around you. If you practice the magical arts you have a responsibility to serve humanity. Maybe some of you don't want to hear that, but I truly believe in my bones that's why we are called to the path in the first place, not just to manifest our own desires but also to help us all to manifest a sustainable future.
Practice clean living. What does this mean? Reduce in every way possible your reliance on fossil fuels and bi-products of petroleum. We're all traveling less these days. So walk more. Just because you are in isolation doesn't mean you can't walk out in the fresh air in nature. Keep your home and your body clean. Wash your hands! Reduce the clutter in your life. Learn to compost, which, by the way, develops a safer and saner relationship with the spirits of decay, returning to the Earth what belongs in the Earth, rather than letting it pile up in plastic bags in the landfills, filling our air with methane and our water with poison from decay being where it doesn't belong.
We can develop a more cooperative and rational living relationship with our fellow human beings, through our local communities, first, and branch out into our national and global communities for the greater good of us all. Healthcare is/will be overloaded; no matter if it is socialized or capitalized, it won't be enough to handle everyone. Use your herbal/practical home remedy/energy healing modalities if you are confident. Collaborate with others though social media to make sure that you make the best decisions for those you care for. Continue to research and adapt.
Consider vegetable gardening and permaculture, in your yards, apartments, and communities. Growing things is spiritually uplifting and beneficial for society.
Imagine if all of civilization was enveloped in scientifically-maintained, permaculture food forests; no person need ever go hungry again, and no clear cutting or factory farming would be necessary. We need not leave technology behind but pull it forward into new, sustainable territory, while leaving behind overconsumption, and no longer mistaking unbridled greed for constructive ambition.
Look for ways to reduce your consumption of animal products. Animal cruelty is a direct cause of our current epidemic, through inhumane and filthy wet markets which introduced the covid-19 virus into the population. You're kidding yourself if you think western factory farming is much better. If you have the ability to hunt or raise your own meat, commit to not buying meat at the store. We've killed off natural predators, so game in season is in plentiful supply. Chickens are relatively easy to raise in a backyard, as are rabbits. If enough people change the way they consume meat, a lot can be done to save our environment and our own health as a species.
A well maintained ecosystem invites animals to thrive along side us, and we would need only cull what is excessive, for those who simply cannot or refuse to go without meat.
These are not just my own ideas. I was shown this in a vision/download from a shamanic journey, as I have said. I have been lazy, and I doubted my vision, and I have been afraid to share this with people for fear of being laughed at, and I regret not having done enough to implement enough of these changes even in my own life. But now is not the time to give a fuck about how I look to others or to be complacent. I want to save humanity or I fear this is only the beginning of more devastation to come.
It is not just go time. It is Crow time. The Crow calls a warning of danger to its fellow crows and to all of the living things with ears to hear. The crow is wise and clever, and adapts to changes in its environment. The crow is a natural leader.
Many of us have been having dreams of warning and have remained silent for much the same reason as I have. Time to heed the warnings we've been shown. Time for Witches, Sorcerors, Shamans, Druids, and the Pagan Priesthood to lead the citizens of the Earth into spiritual rebirth, to harness our understanding of the natural world, to work in harmony with science and technology to create a more sustainable future. The Others had their chance for 2000 years and look what they did with the gift they were given. Let's not make the same mistakes.
(images the property of the watermarked, via Pinterest)